Supported by the GlobalNOC at Indiana University

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  1. I2PX Utilization Summaries
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Internet2 Peer Exchange Service (I2PX)

Internet2 Peer Exchange (I2PX) provides strategic connectivity to portions of the public Internet and peering relationships through over 80 select entities. Internet2 members have commercial traffic needs, too. Internet2's commercial peering service offers a low cost path with higher performance goals than commercial alternatives. I2PX provides high performance, low latency, and efficient (1 hop) access to some of the top content destinations in the world including: Google, Yahoo, NetFlix, and other commercial content providers. The service supports IPv4, IPv6 and multicast. 

Included in the Internet2 Network Advanced Layer 3 Service fee or available as a stand alone service, the peering service allows Members to leverage their existing Internet2 Network connection investments to help serve their commercial Internet needs, with substantial savings on commodity Internet charges.

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